Wednesday, December 24, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things...about winter

So..everyone has a few things they look forward to every season. I have put together some of my favorite things that I look forward to every winter. In no particluar order, here we go...

1. The First SNOW shower of the season! Need I say more..the pristine white blanket covering the ground and the branches of the now-barren trees. Nature at its best!:)

2. The relaxed atmosphere at work. Parties, lunches, vacations!Can we ask for more?

3. The gaiety and festivity at the malls! The huge decorated wreaths, humongous christmas tree and teh cute old man from the North Pole with the very excited kids!Picture perfect!:)

4.And of course for the shopaholic in me....The SALES!!

5. Lights, decorations, Santa-biking snow globes, the beautifully gorgeous ornament studded trees! Aww....

6. The baking frenzy that sets in just a few days before Christmas... The yummy home made cookies and debut of many aspiring bakers!

7. The spirit of christmas. It's all about giving and receiving. I love buying gifts for friends and family. The anticipation on the face when opening the gift warpper..Priceless:)

8. Memories made and captured with family and friends. This year has been fabulous so far on this front!Good times....

9. Anticipation of a new better and fulfilling new year

10. More than anything else, a wish for a perfect white christmas!

1 comment:

Shailesh Gangoli said...

I guess you're having a good one...winter!